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A million chat services into one

A million chat services into one

Endless accounts, apps and "pling" sounds from a dozen different chat applications everyone is on nowadays.

A simple website filled with George & Washy

A simple website filled with George & Washy

Browse through hundreds of photos and videos of George and Washy the cats.

Time for some uplifting yeeeeet!

Time for some uplifting yeeeeet!

It's time for a little distraction.

Washy is rethinking what he has done

Washy is rethinking what he has done

Time to get some meow meow sleep after a busy night filled with cat stuff!

Enjoy Your Lazy Sunday

Enjoy Your Lazy Sunday

Have a most wonderful day!

Happy Caturday with George & Washy

Happy Caturday with George & Washy

It's that day of the week again, get some rest, do something fun but overall.. enjoy Caturday!

🎉 is 5 years old! 🎈

🎉 is 5 years old! 🎈

Exactly 5 years ago today I setup the Mastodon instance and created the first account.

Also tired of endless streaming subscriptions?

Also tired of endless streaming subscriptions?

Are you tired of shelling out money for multiple streaming subscriptions every month?

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